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‘Getting Ottawa on the water close to home’

A proposal to the City of Ottawa (at no cost) to improve access to the healthy, inclusive activity of paddling on the Rideau River to a neighbourhood population of over 28,000 residents within under ½ hour walk.

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The Proposal - Executive Summary 

Who is Ottawa SUP

Ottawa SUP, and family owned associated businesses, have operated successful kayak and standup paddleboard rental and lesson locations in Ontario for over a decade. From 2014 to 2023, Ottawa SUP operated a seasonal stand up paddleboard and kayak rental and lessons business, in conjunction with the City of Ottawa and CA Paradis, at the Linda Thom Park at Billings Bridge on the Rideau River.  

However, because of a change of ownership of the property, for the past summer of 2024 Ottawa SUP has offered rental and lessons on a rotating basis at various parks in Ottawa. The rotating nature of the 2024 model did not meet needs expressed by participants and is not sustainable. 

What is Ottawa SUP proposing?

Ottawa SUP is proposing a partnership between the City of Ottawa and Ottawa SUP for a seasonal paddlecraft rental and lesson service at an existing water access park in the City of Ottawa.

This proposal is designed to fill a gap in providing walkable access to getting on the water to the people of Old Ottawa East, Old Ottawa South, and The Glebe.

What is the best location for this service?

Ottawa SUP found that there was most need and demand for service in the Old Ottawa East or South area and there are several very suitable locations. Ottawa SUP is suggesting either Brantwood, Springhurst or Windsor parks as potential locations, giving walkable access of under ½ hour to a population of over 28,000. 

What would the service look like?

Ottawa SUP would provide a seasonal rental and lesson paddlecraft operation at the selected park, with experienced staff to provide instruction, safety, and oversight and a small storage container, small kayak rack, a 10 x 10 tent on a small footprint and all equipment.

What would this cost the taxpayers?

There is no cost to the City.  Ottawa SUP proposes to fund the full cost of the operation and staffing, both initially and during operations. This would include storage and other physical requirements, as well as initially 20 - 30 stand up paddleboards for rent and 10 kayaks. There would be a fee for service to participants of $25 for the first hour of paddling for example.  

Benefits for the community...

  • Access to get onto the water where they live - under ½ walk to the service for over 22,000 people in the Old Ottawa East, Old Ottawa South and The Glebe. 

  • Availability of a healthy, safe, low cost activity to benefit physical, mental, social wellbeing.

  • Low environmental impact on the park or waterway and would fit unobtrusively and quietly into the park and neighbourhood. 

  • Preferred fixed location (close to water, easy access, calm, safe, scenic, parking, support for emergencies)

  • Experienced Staff on site at all times for paddling instruction, safety instruction, knowledge of waterway, oversight of paddlers activities, availability in emergency, and to ensure the service is a good neighbour at all times.

Benefits for the City of Ottawa...

  • Addresses the Big Policy Moves of the New Official Plan, including 

    • Supporting the evolution towards 15-minute neighbourhoods by providing onto the water access to over 22,000 people within walking distance.

    • Active Transportation via Ottawa’s Rideau River.

    • Improved Livability and Quality of Life through increased walkable access to a healthy natural environment to over 22,000 people

    • Increased social cohesion through planned social paddles and other events.

    • Attracting workers - paddling is one of the fastest growing sports in the world.

    • Enhancing Economic Development by enhancing Quality of Life and through added commercial services suitable for a 15 minute neighbourhood.

    • Addressing Climate Change by improving access to cooling amenities

    • Promoting a Healthy Active Community. Paddling is identified as good for physical and mental health by Ontario Parks.

  • Supports the City to follow the directive of the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) to promote Healthy Active Communities to foster social interaction and facilitate active transportation and community connectivity, AND to provide a full range and equitable distribution of publicly accessible built and natural setting recreation, including facilities, parklands, public spaces, open space areas, trails and linkages, and, where practical, water-based resources; AND providing opportunities for public access to shorelines.

Together let’s overcome the barriers to accessible paddling

Paddling is a great way to meet community and City needs, but there are barriers to accessing paddling as an activity in the City of Ottawa. 

  • Unless a resident owns a car suitable for carrying a paddlecraft, availability is very limited. 

  • There are only four fixed location waterfront paddlecraft rental services in all of the city of Ottawa. City bylaws have thus far prevented the addition of further rental services at existing parks. 

  • While there are canoe clubs, they seldom have rentals available and membership is expensive. There are no canoe clubs or rental locations anywhere on the Rideau River above the Hog’s Back.

  • The current citywide provision level is one on-the-water rental service per 266,700 residents AND is forecast to drop to 1 service per 306,300 residents by 2031.

This proposal is brought to you by Ottawa SUP

For more information please contact us at...


Phone or Text:  613 263 2069


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